Audit of tax accounting and reporting

The main purpose of the examination is diagnostics of the entity's tax accounting and reporting, IDENTIFICATION OF RISK AREAS AND PREVENTION OF PENALTIES related to the violation of legislation as regards taxes and charges.         
In the circumstances of ever-changing and in many respects controversial tax legislation of Ukraine a tax examination conducted by independent experts (auditors) becomes particularly relevant.
Such examination allows the entity's management to minimize tax risks by means of:
  • Correction of the identified violations;
  • Use of the auditor's recommendations in respect of the tax calculation procedure;
  • Improvement of the tax accounting system.

The subject of the examination may be: income tax, VAT, individual income tax and other taxes, charges. 
Based on the results of works carried out a written report disclosing the identified deviations and RECOMMENDATIONS on their elimination will be prepared.
The team work of our auditors, tax advisors and lawyers will ensure an effective and rational solution to your issues based on their profound knowledge of the Ukrainian legislation.